Chef John's Kumquat Marmalade

On a whim, I bought kumquats for a salad.  After I tasted one, I realized they were too bitter for a salad, but I wanted to use them for something, so I searched around until I found this on  The hardest part of this was cutting up those teensy little fruits and extracting the seeds and rinds.  Otherwise, this recipe is easy.  It came out chewy but delicious - a marmalade rather than a jam.  I didn't feel the need to sterilize the jar since I didn't make enough to freeze or store.  

12 servings
12 calculated points

Chewy Deliciousness


  • 2 cups prepared kumquats
  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup cold water


1. Quarter kumquats lengthwise; cut off white center membrane and remove seeds. Slice quarters into small pieces.
2. Place kumquats into a pot. Add lemon zest (white part only), lemon juice, pinch cayenne, star anise, sugar, and water. Mix together. Cover and let sit at room temperature 2 or 3 hours to allow fruit to macerate. Or you can refrigerate overnight.
3. Place pot over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to medium; cook and stir occasionally for 10 minutes. Continuing cooking and stirring often until mixture is thick enough so that if you scrape a spatula across the bottom of the pan, you can briefly see the bottom of the pan before marmalade spreads back out, 30 to 40 minutes. Mixture should reach a temperature of 215 to 220 degrees F (120 to 125 degrees C). Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly, 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Spoon warm marmalade into sterilized jars. Cover and let cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
