Cilantro Lime Salmon

 Everyone loves cilantro, but I don't, so I left it out.  I left the skin on the salmon and pan-fried it (skin down first).  It turned out crispy and very tasty.  The lime and honey combination is delicious.  Be sure to season both sides of the salmon.  
I served it with Perfect 3-Step Rice.

2 servings
20 calculated points

Sauvignon Blanc


1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 tablespoons butter
2 6-ounce fillets salmon
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Zest and juice of 2 limes, plus lime wedges, for serving
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro
Steamed rice, for serving


Add the oil and 1 tablespoon of the butter to a nonstick skillet and place over medium-high heat. Season the salmon on both sides with salt and pepper. Add the fish to the skillet and cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the fish and the degree of doneness you like. Remove from the skillet and keep warm.

Return the skillet to medium heat and add the honey, soy, remaining 2 tablespoons butter and half of the lime zest and juice. Cook, stirring, until the butter melts and starts to bubble. Cook for a minute until the sauce thickens a little. Add the salmon and spoon over the sauce. Cook for another minute, basting as you go. Sprinkle generously with the cilantro.

Stir the remaining lime juice and zest into the cooked rice. Serve the salmon with the rice, extra sauce and lime wedges on the side.
